MHREC’s First Quiz Night

On Wednesday 27th October, MHREC held its first ever Quiz Night! Thank you to all family, friends and members who joined! We are grateful for your support and it is with this support that we can reach MHREC’s aim of the teaching and dissemination of human rights ideals and principles.

Our goals are to bring to light human rights concepts to the public and educate right-holders and duty-bearers, to foster an environment for open discussion also through non-traditional teaching methods…and Wednesday’s event was certainly one of these.

Our aim on Wednesday was to host a fun night where over drinks and some good food, we could ask questions relating to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. We read out each article before proceeding to ask a related question. For Article 5: No one has the right to inflict torture, or to subject anyone else to cruel or inhuman treatment, we asked the following:

The U.S. Guantanamo Bay Naval Base is located in which country?

  1. Dominican Republic
  2. Mexico
  3. Cuba

The answer is Cuba.

You can test your own knowledge on the UDHR here with the Quiz notes below. Perhaps even have a fun round of Q&A with friends and family.

We look forward to hosting future quiz nights, so watch this space!

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